Saturday, 22 August 2015

Rear cockpit panels, continued.....

Afternoon all,

I'm finding this quite this quite an enjoyable thing to do-some more panels over the last hour or so. More to come soon!


Rear cockpit panels taking shape

Well with the brief interlude of GCSE results day, I return to this project. For now, the rear cockpit panels are coming together and the structure is finally starting to take shape! The main additions include the periscope (on the right), the H2S radar unit and the joystick.


Sunday, 9 August 2015

Bomb bay spars...

Just a quick one, been doing quite a bit of research on the bomb bay-making the spars and structure.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Blue Steel Engine (side project)

Well, as mentioned before, to arm a Vulcan you need a weapon! And what better weapon could you imagine than Blue Steel? (Quite a lot actually...)
Thanks to some poking around various sources, I have found many references for the Blue Steel missile. It also helps that I live near RAF Cosford where they have a cutaway of the Stentor engine-something which I hope to replicate in all its detail for this project.

So without further meandering here are the photos: